Friday, January 17, 2025

"Lies, damned lies and statistics"

Even if we do not know who precisely coined the biting phrase headlining this article, it does refer to how data can be cooked to twist reality. Some statistics seem straightforward but can still be mismeasured, whether intentionally or not. Others especially with the "real" label that often come with a technocratic arrogance by "playing God" can readily serve narrow interests. The real world is indeed too complex to be represented with pick-and-choose variables. Anyway, there is only so many variables that can be humanly identified. As much as context is all, all is relative.

John Cowperthwaite, former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, a bastion of the "efficient market" dear to neoliberals before China took over, was once asked what the key thing that countries urging for transformation could do to improve their expansion. He replied: "They should abolish the office of national statistics as they would lead to officials meddling in the economy". Ironically, all countries need constantly updated measurements to create solutions for local and global challenges. "Who believed that we were really the 13th best equipped country for the ease of doing business worldwide?" warned opinion leader Philippe Forget. Little wonder the ranking is hyped while our depressed status in say the Logistics Performance Index is conveniently played down. Worse, our governments look terrified to measure up against the potentially damning reality, they actually contributed to foment, of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) that "tests the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students in mathematics, reading, science, financial literacy, creative thinking and readiness for life-long learning".

Likewise, who still believe the numbers for home ownership, national economic output, inflation, inequality, ethnic distribution of the population, financial support of political parties posted by large businesses, bribing, underground economy and so on? For instance, how do you reconcile a highly open and trade-dependent economy with high import content for both domestic consumption and export with an offshore platform that can only exist with free capital mobility while containing inflation? In sharp contrast with Mauritius, Singapore, arguably not a laggard in implementing savvy policies, targets exchange rate as the ultimate tool to fight inflation. The mechanism, reminiscent of the features of a currency board, being fully backed by foreign assets, gold reserve and corruption-proof national accounts. What's more, Singapore officially and successfully maintains a constant appreciation bias of the Singapore dollar that no other country would dare. 

Twisted and mismeasured metrics in a world weaponised by data and algorithms run down nuances and hindsight. They open the floodgates of the least desirable outcome, the more so with rampant mind rot. We live an era where citizens are incredibly vulnerable to manipulation. Rebooting interest in math and minimising rote learning essentially through experiential learning in English language, the global lingua franca, have never been more critical to enhance pattern recognition and nurture discernment. When the tyranny of the "expert", short term and instant gratification for the few settles in the national system, misery captures the morale and more of the many.  

Reliable statistics work, not statistics for statistics sake. To comfort its progressive leanings, Rezistans ek Alternativ would be much inspired to nudge the government into revisiting most of the dodgy official statistics to meet the aspiration of citizens more effectively. 

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